Adopting a sustainable lifestyle is gaining popularity worldwide, fronted by environmentalists embracing practical actions to lead the cause. Here’s how you can be a part of the green movement.
Across the globe, climate change and the depletion of natural resources are driving a growing interest among consumers to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. These findings were established through Globescan’s study on understanding the mindsets of people around the world; particularly what allows or prohibits them from being more sustainable in their everyday lives.
A healthy majority of people – some 61% – are ready and willing to adjust their current lifestyle to fit a more sustainable approach in a bid to enhance their lives, that of others around them and for the better good of the environment. Perhaps more encouragingly, 31% expressed that they have already made significant shifts in their lifestyle habits to reflect a more environmentally-conscious one.
Taking this step does not necessarily mean making major upheavals to your daily routine. With small, calculated changes, there are practical ways you can adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.
Learn at the farmers’ market

Whether you are a newcomer or an old-hand, there’s always more to discover about the eco-movement here in Singapore. Farmers’ markets are a great place to start, as they provide you with the opportunity to rub shoulders with fellow eco-warriors – from mindful consumers to advocative vendors.
These events are known to showcase exhibitors that comprise of artisanal brands and farmers alike – a space where consumers can look forward to staying up-to-date on the latest market happenings and even attend workshops on sustainable living techniques.
Choose locally-sourced produce
The food that we consume makes up almost a third of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that humans produce over the course of a year. On top of this worrying statistic, it is also important to note that another factor that contributes to the detriment of our environment is the origin of our food.
Making a conscious decision to pick locally-sourced produce over imported variations can positively impact our environment. By doing so, your actions help to reduce GHG emissions by cutting down the need to transport food from overseas.
Similarly, consumers of meat would do well to pick frozen over chilled. Its shorter shelf-life means chilled meat requires the air-flown treatment, generally producing higher GHG emissions than frozen meat.
Make it up to the planet

Prominent cosmetic brands are also getting in on the eco act, showcasing that sustainability is more than skin-deep. Companies like Lush and Kiehl’s, for instance, have introduced environmental initiatives and policies to help promote sustainable habits among customers.
Lush’s approach sees it go packaging-free for approximately 70% of its products. The brand also encourages customers to bring along their own bags for their purchased products. Likewise, Kiehl’s’ also promotes the ‘bring your own bag’ policy to its customers. On top of this, their “Recycle & Be Rewarded” campaign incentivises customers to return empty Kiehl’s bottles to undergo recycling.
Invest in a social purpose
Also known as socially responsible investing, sustainable investing enables you to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into your investment decisions.
In fact, the affluent in Asia are expressing a keen interest in making sustainable investment considerations. Spurred by the ongoing pandemic, 89% of Asia’s richest are eager to further deepen their understanding in what they deem to be a trend that will stay for the foreseeable future. Companies like Prudential, for example, has aligned ourselves with ESG practices over the years to support individuals and enterprises looking to make a meaningful impact with their investments.
By organising our sustainability efforts around three pillars: Making Health and Financial Security Accessible, Stewarding the Human Impacts of Climate Change and Building Social Capital, Prudential takes a holistic approach in helping customers get the most out of life.
All in all, taking on the role of an eco-warrior simply means being someone who’s actively engaged in preventing further damage to the environment. Making subtle modifications to the way you steer your lifestyle not only helps you to reap its benefits today, but it also facilitates a more liveable environment for future generations. Now is a good time to start.
Information is correct as at 15/10/2021.